original dark mode
i'll do ur math homework
for a fee of course

select your math course/topic:
integrated math 1 (lmaoooo dumbass)
integrated math 2
integrated math 3
precalculus (honors)
ap calculus ab
ap calculus bc
ap statistics

what's your grade in the class
for a sense of priority...
A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F
what does your teacher look for/care about?
on paper, just answers
on paper, answers and work
on paper, just answers, but they know my handwriting
on paper, answers and work, but they know my handwriting
online, you'll need my credentials (khan academy)
special instruction: anything else to know?
what kind of questions and how many of them?
free response
multiple choice

a little bit of questions
a few questions
a lot of questions
a big lot of questions

to estimate, how hard are the questions? how much effort should be put into them?
easy/not a lot of effort
normal/a moderate amount of effort
pretty hard/quite a lot of effort
very hard/a lot of effort and brainjuice required

gotta let you know, even if it doesn't seem so, homework is important to your own learning. you should only let someone else do your homework if you know what you're doing, unless you just don't give a shit. it's YOUR responsibility to learn.
do you already know what you're supposed to be learning?
i don't care about learning
maybe i should think this through...

s u b m i t